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Delegation of Installation Responsibility electrical installations

The undersigned:

Nike Retail B.V., having it registered office in Hilversum and principal place of business at Colosseum 1 (1213 NL) in Hilversum, The Netherlands, registered in the Chamber of Commerce under number 32060874, legally represented in this matter by Frederik Versteeg, hereinafter to be referred to as: "NIKE"


Quercus Technical Services B.V., having its registered office in Zwolle and principal place of business at Baileystraat 3 (8013 RV) in Zwolle, The Netherlands, registered in the Chamber of Commerce under number 01066635, legally represented in this matter by Paul Koop, hereinafter to be referred to as "Quercus"

the above-mentioned parties hereinafter jointly to be referred to as the "Parties".

The Parties have negotiated and have reached agreement and set out their arrangements for delegating responsibiities for executing of electrical installation responsibility with the applicable Dutch Law and NEN-EN 50110 / NEN 3140. The works to be performed by Quercus are described in the "Master Agreement between NRBV and Quercus Technical Services B.V. for delegated electrical instalation responsibility" concluded between Nike and Quercus dated 31-6-2023. The works will be performed under Work Order # XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX starting June 1 for a period of five years.    

With this authorization NIKE wishes to execute the legal assignment and responsibility by making use of the applicable rules and regulations set by legislation, standards, directives and codes of conduct;

Considering that NIKE wishes to guarentee the care and responsibility for the electrical safety of the electrical installations referred to above and wishes to designate an Expert Installation Responsible for this purpose, being Quercus; 

Considering that NIKE wishes to grant this Installation Responsible a mandate, power of attorney and authorization, in order to enable him to carry out the work in accordance with the Work Order, the provisions of  applicable Dutch Law and NEN-EN 50110 / NEN 3140 and other regulations with regard to the relevant technical installations of NIKE and to execise the necessary powers for that purpose;

Considering that the exer of the role of installation responsible takes place within the limits and with due observance of the Working Conditions Act (Arbeidsomstandighedenwet) and the NEN-EN 50110 / NEN 3140.

To be adopted the appointment for Installation Responsibility for coordinating electrical works to NIKE Hilversum HQ electrical installations and infrastructure for the above mentioned period. 

Article 1. Definitions

  1. In this agreement, the following definitions apply:   
    1. electrical installation: installation and equipment for the generation, transport, convrsion, distribution and use of electrical energy, including energy sources such as generators, batteries and capacitors;
    2. Installation Responsible: person directly responsible for the safe operation of the electrical installation and the safety of the electrical work equipment and personal protective equipment as referred to in NEN 3140.

Article 2. Appointment Installation Responsible

  1. NIKE assigns Quercus as Installation Responsible
  2. The appointment is valid for a period of five years, starting 1 June 2023
  3. The appointment applies to all electrical facilities within the premises of NIKE Hilversum
  4. The appointment relates to the following responsibilities and activities on, with and in the vicinity of the electrical installations referred to in the third paragrph of this article 2; 
    1. Maintaining safety through regul inspections and timely repair of found defects;
    2. Establishing procedures for operating the installations; 
    3. Approving work plans, except how to deal wit wor risks
    4. Giving permission to tart of work;
    5. Commissioning the electrical installations;
    6. Checking on and maintaining the regulations, procedures and plans, referred to in parts 4.2 and 4.3. 

Article 3. Information

  1. The Installation Responsible informs NIKE promptly, comprehensively and - as far reasonably possible - in writing of decisions to be taken or intensions for decisions of which he must reasonably assume that NIKE should be informed.  
  2. NIKE provides the Installation Responsible with al necessary information for the fulfillment of his role as Installation Responsible. 

Article 4. Applicable laws, regulations and accountability

  1. The exercise of the role as Installation Responsible takes place within the limits and with due observance of the applicable Dutch Laws and Regulations, specifically with due observance of the Working Conditions Act (Arbeidsomstandighedenwet) and NEN 3140.
  2. Without prejudice to the provision of Article 3, the Installation Responsible shall, upon request, provide NIKE with all information regarding the exercice of the powers referred to in this Agreement.

Agreed and initialled in duplicate and signed in Hilversum on 1-7-2023

Name: Frederik Marcel Versteeg Paul P.M. Koop
NIKE Retail B.V.
Quercus Technical Services B.V.
Authorized representative of NIKE Authorized representative of Quercus
Position: Managing Counsel CPL, Corp & Trade EMEA Position: President 


Work Order # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dated ..-..-2023

Letter: Delegation of Installation Responsibility

Work Order: #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dated ..-..-2023