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Procedure Designation of Personnel


The procedure designation of personnel serves the purpose to ensure that personnel involved in electrical work isqualified for alloted tasks. By registration of designated personnel the installation responsible and his representative is convinced that work is only executed by competent personnel. 
Designation is not only applicable for electrical work where electrical hazards may occur but also personnel involved in the realisation of electrical installations.  

Executioner of the procedure

For operation and maintenance the installation responsible accepts the nomination of the site focal point who is responsible for designation of all personnel involved in electrical work. This focal point is works responsible and designates all other personnel. 

For projects the executive director or his delegate designates designated an electrical focal poin being the acting project installation responible. This nomination requires the acceptance of the installation responsible. According to the directives this person designates all personnel involved in electrical work according to a project electrical designation plan. 


Designation is about confidence and trust that personnel involved in electrical work is competent for the job in order to ensure a safe and compliant installation. Therefore compliance of installation integrity requires treacibility of the personnel involved. This starts with the design where a qualified electrical engineer is responsible for a well designed engineering package from where the installation works can start. Subsequently the electrical project engineer is responsible for the realisation of the installation. During the installation the commissioning engineer delivers the documented proof of compliance and prepares start-up, operation and maintenance documentation.
The installation responsible accepts the installation as being compliant for operation. During operation he is responsible that compliance remains and changes are done in a responsible way. 

The installation responsible can be seen as the compliance officer and has the autority to intervene whenever he finds the installation integrity at stake. In order to ensure installation integrity at all times designation of personnel executing electrical work lays under his responsibility.

The installation responsible is not appointed to execute work but is responsible for how work is executed.  

Installation integrity can only be achieved by control of every aspect in the realisation, operation and maintenance of the installation. This is about control of personnel.  Designation of personnel is therefor not only applicable for personnel executing electrical work but all personnel involved in the lifecycle of the electrical installation. 

The installation responsible' role is not to designate people but to ensure that all people working for the realisation. operation and maintenance comply with the set criteria of competency for alloted tasks. For the sake of treacibility all personnel must have a valid designation letter with a scope of work. 

Support, instructions and training are neccessary for upkeeping competency!
Support by means of information, personal protective equipment, tools and budget;
Instruction by means of continuous deliberation for the daily activities;
Training for upkeeping competency to validate the designation. 

Field of application

For the installation responsible is is of eminent importance that for everyone involved in the realisation, operation and maintenance of electrical installations competency for alloted tasks can be demonstrated. 

Verification of this competency is achieved by a designation policy with designation of all personnel involved in electrical work, from engineering, project management, operation and maintenance.  


The installation responsible needs to be sure that every critical control point of the life cycle proces is covered. Therefore the installation responsible is involved in the following aspects of electrical installations: 

  1. Engineering
    It is the project manager who introduces to the installation responsible the engineering focal point. The formal designation is the delegated project installation responsible. In a delegated project electrical installation responsibility contract all conditions are set out for delivery of a design that complies with all criteria for reliability and safety upon operation and maintenance. If engineering is as well responsible for tendering and purchasing this needs to be deliberated with the installation responsible. In case of doubt the installation responsible is autorised to perform a design review. 
  2. Construction and installation
    In a delegated project electrical installation responsibility contract a project installation responsible is designated to ensure the mechanical completion is to the satisfaction of the installation responsible. This delegated project electrical installation responsible (DPEIR) requires the acceptance of the installation responsible. The DPEIR has to present before the start of the project a verification plan to proof the competency of the electrical personnel. Treacibility is essential and requires designation in writing. 
  3. Commissioning and start-up
    Here we deal with electrical work where electrical hazards may occur. For this a delegated commissioning installation responsible must be designated who in return designates all personnel performing commissioning activities. The delegated commissioning installation responsible has to provide to the installation responsible the documented proof that the installation complies with the engineering specifications. Independency of the commissioning team is a pre to guarentee impartiality. 
  4. Operation
    For first line maintenance and first line trouble shooting non electrical personnel is allowed to perform simple electrical tasks. For these tasks however this personnel must be instructed and trained. The get the designation Suffiently Instructed Person training must be purely based on allotted tasks. The site focal point signs the designation letters.
  5. Maintenance
    Under maintenance we allocate all works that keep the installation operational. It contains the second line trouble shooting and secondline maintenance. Minor modification we allocate as well under maintenance. For maintenance the site focal point dsignates worksresponsibles who subsequently designate competent persons for allotted tasks.
  6. Inspections
    The installation responsible designated the inspectors. Special training is required to facilitate continuous improvement measures. 

Conditions for designation

Designation of personnel requires proof and confidence that the person is capable for the allotted tasks. Therefore every person person involved in the electrical operation needs to be designated in writing. This designation is based on several conditions depending on the tasks to be performed. 

Construction and installation works
Construction and installation work does not pose electrical danger. However the work needs to be done in a professional way. Therefore at forehand the craftsman needs to be tested (intake) instructed for the work and provided with the right tools and equipment. In order to control the workforce the instructed persons need to show on request the designation. The designation shows the scope of work. 

Work which contain an electrical hazard
For work where there is an electrical hazard personnel must be appointed in writing as an electrical  works responsible or a competent person. Beside the electrical education or recognition of prior learning this personnel needs to be qualified according the training matrix per function. 

In order to designate personnel the following additional requirements apply:

  • familiar with the installation 
    Personnel needs time to get familiar with the installation. The time for this depends on the complexity and size of the installation. A temporary designation applies where guidance from an experienced person is applicable. 
  • familiar with the applicable rules and regulations
    Personnel gets access to the system Qtivity. Knowledge of the system will be tested. Committment to adhere to the system is formalised in writing.
  • experience
    Personnel must have a experience in the field where they work in. This is shown in a curriculum vitae. 
  • trust  
    Essential is trust in the person who is to be designated. This is attitude and the mental situation of the person. This is a continuous monitoring and requires social responsibility.

The picture below shows the process of designation. 

Conditions for Appointment.jpg


Training matrix
Procedure Management of change