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Procedure Management of Change


The procedure Management of Change serves the purpose to ensure compliance throughout the life cycle of an installation and to cover the critical control points when changes are made in the installations. 
To make personnel involved in the realisation of installations and maintenance aware that un-authorised changes are prohibited and must be prevented at all times.  

Executioner of the procedure

This procedure is meant for the electrical focal point to arrange a controled environment to guarentee installation integrity by setting up a verification system for management of change.


The process of engineering contains all steps to construct and install an installation that results in installation functionality and safety. The release for construction and installation is the approval for construction (AFC).

Changes must be allocated to the following subjects in life cycle management:

  • Design
    During the design all risks must be covered to ensure compliance. During installation, operation and maintenance we find non conformities that require correction or approvement that are to be addressed to engineering. Be aware of field engineering where the design is poor or the choice is made for active engineering during construction and installation (field engineering). 
    Every deviation from the design must be assessed against the appliacable design criteria of functionality and safety and reverted to engineering!
    In case of doubt on the quality of the engieering package a design review may be required. 
  • Delivery
    Delivery is a crucial point in change management. The manufacturer is legaly obliged to set-up and maintain a technical construction dossier (TCD) in which he evaluates the risks. The manufacturer must file this TCD for the duraton of the life time of the delivery. For operation and maintenance he delivers instructions for installation, operation and maintenance. Up to the delivery the manufacturer is responsible for the compliance and actual TCD. A critical control point is the factury acceptance test where the operator does a final check. The deviations must be incorporated in the TCD! For installation the client must follow the manual from the manufacturer. 
    After installation of the installation part the responsibility lays with the operator for any change!  
  • Construction
    Here we deal with construction outside  or on site the premises. Outsite the premises we must consider the installation parts as delivery. On site we must evaluate all changes against potential safety and compliance risks. (A distincion must be made between civil works and all other works, where civil works are mainly executed on site and mechanical, electrical and instrumenatation works are deliveries). 
  • Installation
    We must consider installation as assembling the construction and installation parts. All deliveries comply with the specifications and the installers must follow the instructions for assembling. Competency in this is vital with verification of the critical control points. Every change must be consulted with the focal point, after approval be registered and made as built. 
  • Operation
    The operator is there to operate according to the instruction for operation. Fistline maintenance and firstline trouble shooting are part of the operator's responsibility. The operator may request for optimisation of the functionality. This must be requested from the focal point and treated as change management. Any change by operation is forbidden!   
  • Maintenance
    During maintenance many changes take place. Many of those are not controled. The main reason is that when installation fail the maintence team make alterations. Secondline maintenance and secondline troubleshooting are critical control point where every change is against the the rules and a change request is there to be filed. Consider every change to serve optimisation and must be controled. If not it is illegal and may be considered as incompetency.   
Field of application

For electrical installations the procedure management of change is applicable for the design, installation, operation and maintenance. 

The critical control point considering management of change are for: 

  • Design of electrical installations
    Engineering does not consult the installation responsible on engineering specifications. If the installation responsible does not agree with the design the follow up must be controlled via the procedure management of change. 
  • Installation of electrical installations
    In the field during installation and commissioning practical solutions are found for installation issues due to interference with other disciplines and situations. Recognitions of alterations are crucial in order to decide whether the alterations have impact on the safety and integrity of the operational and maintenance stage of the installation. The (project) installation responsible plays in this a crucial role. 
  • Operation of electrical installations
    For operation procedures apply for use of apparatus and switching. Are procedures workable and due to change? This must be consulted with the installation responsible and must be controlled under the procedure change management.  Firstline maintenance and trouble-shooting must be controled in order to prevent changes. 
  • Maintenance of electrical installations
    During maintenance the risk of changes is abundant. Personnel involved in maintenance must be aware that changes, without approval from the installation responsible and registration are prohibited. Secondline maintenance and troubleshooting are critical control points to guarentee safety and compliance. Changes must result in opimisation and require approval of the installation responsible. 

In all the above situation it is important to make personnel aware of the procedure management of change and how to recognise changes. 

For management of change the following form is applicable:  Minor modification form.docx


Directive electrical safety management