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Procedure Installation Breakdown


Electrical installations are divided into parts, each of which has a specific purpose. The purpose of this provision is to be able to determine the control measures per component and thus make business operations manageable.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. Determine acceptance criteria that may vary by component
  2. Enabling the determination of responsibilities
  3. Contracting for services
  4. Designation of personnel
  5. Distinction of risk areas
  6. Preparation of risk inventories and evaluations
  • Establishing the inspection scheme on the basis of priorities

The determination can take place on the basis of the diagram below.

Electrical Power Company
Electrical Power Com...
Electrical installations
Electrical installat...
Electrical High Voltage Power Supply
Electrical High Volt...
Electrical Low Voltage Power Supply
Electrical Low Volta...
Process installations
Process installations
Safety and Security
Safety and Security
The electical power company supplies the power supply from the public grid. The demarcation determines the area of responsibility of the Electrical Power Company and the customer
The electical power company supplies the power supply from the public grid. The demarcation...
All measures for electrical safety and installation integrity of the electrical installations are the responsibility of te Installation Responsible. The InstallationResponsible draws up the rules for this. 
All measures for electrical safety and installation integrity of the electrical installatio...
The High Voltage installations are used for the distribution of electricity to the low voltage infrastructure. High Voltage users are related to the process installations. 
The High Voltage installations are used for the distribution of electri...
The Low Voltage infrastructure feeds the users. The demarcation is up to and including the connection to the users.
The Low Voltage infrastructure feeds the users. The demarcation is up t...
Specialised companies accredited through certification for the supply, installation and maintenance of the respective systems.  
Specialised companies accredited through certification for the supply,...
These are specific users as part of the transformation process of industrial plants.
These are specific users as part of the transformation process of indus...
Utilities are essential components within a business operation and are carried out or outsourced by the own service within management and maintenance.
Utilities are essential components within a business operation and are...
All electrical facilities tied to buildings like lighting and sockets.
All electrical facilities tied to buildings like lighting and sockets.
A road concept. When it comes to electrical protection, it is about access to domains and is part of the entire securit plan.
A road concept. When it comes to electrical protection, it is about acc...
The electical infrastructure is located outside the buildings. Grounding, cathodic protection, public lighting and outdoor users.
The electical infrastructure is located outside the buildings. Groundin...
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Depending on the business operations, the determination of electrical installations includes the following domains:

  1. The electrical energy supply high voltage
    This concerns the high voltage supply of 10 kV from the grid operator. It is the asset manager who maintains contact with the installation manager of the energy company about the reliability and the work that may affect the electrical power supply.
  2. The high-voltage distribution network and its users
    Here we must distinguish whether the high-voltage grid serves distribution only or whether devices are installed that work on high-voltage motors such as HV motors in industrial installations. Special applies to operation and maintenance voorwaarden voor toegang en personeel. The complete high voltage distribution network with it users is shown in the single line diagram.
  3. The electrical energy supply low voltage
    This concerns the low-voltage main infrastructure from the transformer to the subdivisions for the consumers. An up-to-date one-line chart must be available for each installation. The main acceptance criterion is the load with selectivity and the reliability of the installations. Redundancy, power quality and emergency power supply play an important role in this.
  4. For industry in particular, we have to break down the electrical installation into components with different acceptance criteria. For process installations, we distinguish installation parts that are directly related to the process itself and other systems for, for example, lighting, grounding and feeding process systems. Furthermore, we are dealing with explosive atmospheres where ATEX regulations apply.
  5. The systems that are the purpose of the facilities
    Systems can be divided into the essential facilities that are specific to the business operations. Employees demand working comfort, safety and relaxation. Service providers within the facilities need facilities to be able to carry out their business operations optimally. This requires systems that facilitate this service. Think of the canteen facilities, meeting rooms, the auditorium and the sports facilities. For the construction of the installation we can use the overview of the electrical users and the load. It is also important to check this against the service agreements. This concerns all electrical power supply of utility systems such as water, dirty water drainage and sewerage.
  6. The buildings
    This concerns the real estate on the site for housing specific installations and people.
  7. Landscaping
    This concerns all sockets and systems for the outdoor landscape
  8. Security
    The protection or security contains all electrical installation components that are important for accessing and monitoring the facilities.
  9. Safety
    This includes all electrical installation components that are important for the safety of the facilities and personnel. Systems such as extinguishing systems, emergency call, fire alarm and other detection systems.
  10. Infrastructure
    Is everything that connects buildings. Think of street lighting, grounding and the like.

      This classification is particularly important to determine where the priorities lie in terms of reliability, availability and acceptance criteria for operation, maintenance and inspection. It is also important that contractors, contracts, resources and qualifications can be allocated to installations with potentially the cost centre.


      The Installation Responsible starts the research of the domain of the total electrical supply with its users.

      We distinguish the following steps:

      1. Information retreival
        The information of this domain is recorded in the one-line diagrams that are further elaborated in electrical diagrams.
      2. Design review
        It is up to the installation responsible to fully understand the entire electrical configuration and whether the design is in accordance with the design criteria. For complex networks or in case of doubt, the installation manager can consult the engineer to enter crucial data into Vision and Gaia.
      3. Installation determination
        The determination is in consultation with the customer. The installation manager explains what is logical, the customer indicates his preferences. Crucial is the distinction between critical Installations.
      4. For each installation part, the installation manager decides together with the customer's expert about the operational activities, the maintenance-worthy items, the maintenance philosophy and the maintenance history.
      5. Relationship to parties
        Per installation component, the installation manager, together with the maintenance team, provides insight into the related partners for service and maintenance. For inspections, a review is carried out to investigate the structural shortcoming per installation component. For each third party, the contracts are assessed for coverage of the critical safety items.
      6. Relation to acceptance criteria
        For specific installation components, in addition to the general safety requirements, acceptance criteria are required. This refers to the manufacturer's instructions and service agreements. The acceptance criteria are registered for each installation component.

            The installation determination with acceptance criteria is a crucial step in the transfer of installation responsibility!