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Procedure Set-up Council of Compliance

The Compliance Board aims to provide a business platform for dealing with incidents, accidents and other undesirable situations in relation to electrical business operations and to initiate control measures and thus prevent the recurrence of undesirable situations. To this end, the platform involves employees and parties that have an influence on electrical business operations in order to arrive at a common effort for the continuous improvement of electrical business operations.

Many parties and people are involved in electrical business operations. There is one person who is responsible for compliance at the time of transfer and then has to ensure installation integrity. 

It starts with the design where choices are made and worked out in a specification for the construction. The Installation Responsible wants to be convinced that the responsibility can be borne after realization. For conformity, the Installation Responsible is the customer. Participating in the Compliance Board prevents disputes in the transfer and use of the installations.

Then there is the contractor who must be able to demonstrate, on the basis of a clear verification plan, that the installation meets the design specification upon delivery. Adjustments during construction must be substantiated and consulted with the person ultimately responsible; the Installation Responsible. Transfer must be accompanied by information for operation and maintenance. Here, too, demonstrable conformity applies upon

The Compliance Board applies to employees and parties involved in the realization, operation and maintenance of all electrical installations in relation to installation conformity and installation integrity in order to achieve continuous compliance.  It is also intended to give technical and safety issues a platform where problems are solved together and continuous improvement is stimulated.

The establishment of a Compliance Board is the initiative of the appointed Installation Responsible. As such, he is the linchpin of the platform and serves as chairman.
At the same time as the initiative, he states:
  • an engineer as an expert in the field of design determinants and risks during business operations;
  • the work manager who supervises the execution of the electrical work;
  • if there are several branches, he also appoints the Operational Installation Responsible or supervisor to participate in the Compliance Board. 
Together they form the installation responsibility team.  

Third party representatives
In a varying composition, by invitation, representatives of third parties are invited according to their current involvement in electrical business operations. 

Third Party Representatives are:
  • System suppliers and service providers
    Here the installation responsibility lies with the contracting party. Demarcation of the area of responsibility plays an important role here.
  • Management and maintenance party
    In many cases, the management and maintenance of certain parts of the installation is outsourced to management and maintenance companies. Here, too, the responsibility lies with the contracting party. The Installation Responsible here requires the acceptance of the Installation Responsible who determines the regulations unless contractually stipulated otherwise. Here, too, demarcation plays an important role. 
  • The electrical project manager must be able to demonstrate to the installation manager that the specifications have been met upon delivery. 
  • The electrical project engineer who must account for the conformity to the Installation Responsible.
Installation Responsible
Installation Respons...
Operation and Maintenance
Operation and Mainte...
Project Execution
Project Execution
Project Engineering
Project Engineering
HSSEQ Manager
HSSEQ Manager
Operations Manager
Operations Manager
Maintenance Manager
Maintenance Manager
Document Controller
Document Controller
Representatives Third Parties
Representatives Third Parties
Team Installation Responsibility
Team Installation Responsibi...
Internal Representatives
Internal Representatives
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Representatives internally
In a permanent permanent composition, the following persons are part of the Compliance Board:
  • The maintenance manager
    Installation responsibility is directly linked to the overall maintenance for which the maintenance manager is responsible. The mutual influence is therefore great.  
  • The HSEQ manager
  • Quality and safety are the main elements why quality and safety managers should also join the meetings of the Compliance Board.  
  • The operations manager
    For the operation of the installations and the work that non-electrical personnel may carry out, it is important that the operational manager participates in the Compliance Board. 
  • The document controller
    Information and information management are very essential for electrical business operations. It concerns not only demonstrable installation conformity and well-updated drawings for management and maintenance, but also procedures, instructions and registration of maintenance and operation-related matters. The document controller therefore plays an important role in the Compliance Board. 
The working method of the Compliance Board
  • The Compliance Board meets in closed session at least twice a year and, in addition, when there is reason to meet, to discuss matters relating to electrical business operations;
  • Decisions taken in the Compliance Board are accepted jointly and must be integrated into business operations;
  • Members of the Compliance Board are committed to actively participating in the Compliance Board and to supporting all measures taken;
  • Participation in meetings is mandatory; the notice of absence must be accompanied by a valid reason; a stand-in is recommended;
  • The Compliance Board can invite specialists to contribute to the functioning of electrical business operations;
  • Decisions of the Compliance Board are implemented in business operations;
  • The discussions are recorded and added to the minutes of the Compliance Board
  • The distribution of the minutes of meetings is for the members of the board of directors, the general manager and all staff positions in the sphere of influence of the installation responsibility for electrical operations.
All meetings are recorded in minutes of meetings. Actions derived from the meetings are recorded in an "Action Overview".