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Procedure Information Management


The Installation Responsible relies on the status and management of all information related to the electrical operation and maintenance. Not only being present on location but also remotely. Information and information management are dynamic. Available information is assessed on reliability and completeness in order to give control on safety and installation integrity. Retrieved information gives the installation responsible food for action and improvement for a lean operation.  


With every step we take in the life cycle process of an installation we need and produce information. The engineer for the design; the manufacturer has to proof compliance for product safety and functionality; the contractor to proof functionality; the commissioning engineer to proof compliance and the asset manager for maintenance and control. Put it all together is is just data; make it dedicated to the process and the user it becomes information.

The Installation Responsible seeks information to enable him to bear installation responsibility. 

Field of application

Although the Installation Responsible is involved in electrical safety and installation integrity during operation he is aware that information and information management covers the whole life cycle in order to proof compliance. 
Information and information management is only related to the electrical installations, its operation and its management.   


Information will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • At all time availability:
    the information offered by the system must at the time of the actual need to be accessible and actual;
  • Selectivity:
    the extend to which information deliverance is tuned to the information demand.
  • accessibility:
    the speed of how information can be selected and accessed.
  • completeness:
    the information delivered by an information system has to contain all data that is indeed required for what the information request is meant for.
  • accuracy:
    the extend to the precision and exactness of the information. This will differ per function within the organisation.
  • reliability:
    depends upon the extend to which mistakes are present in the information. Mistakes occur with data entry, processing and distribution of data. Also the actor time plays an important role. Plant changes during the implementation of the system has to be counted for.
  • Unambiguous interpretability:
    interpretation mistakes by the user are to be avoided by taking care that within the organisation unambiguous and uniformity is realised in thinking and acting.
  • controllability:
    it is important that all previous aspects in relation to the information supply in due time can be checked to compliance with required demands.

Directive Electrical Safety Management article ....