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The road to installation responsibility


Installation responsibility is not about assigning a representative who is appointed as an installation responsible by the managing director. That only goes well until a calamity occurs. The installation responsible must actually have added value and arrange the electrical management in such a way that we are in control.

A correct interpretation of installation responsibility makes business operations effective and efficient. It covers all aspects of risk prevention management.

With the introduction of this management plan, we can say that we comply with all aspects of risk prevention management.

Step-by-step plan

With the introduction of installation responsibility, we have to go through a number of steps to achieve  conclusive management plan, implement it and then monitor it.

Now we can say that the regulations are standard, we just have to comply with this. Regulation is not just about laws and standards. It includes all rules that affect electrical business operations (see the regulation chapter).

This brings us to step 1 of our management plan.

Step 1: What do we have to comply with?

This is regulation. Based on regulations, an Installation Responsibility Directive has  been developed. This Directive specifies what the person responsible for the installation is responsible for. The Directive outlines the criteria for compliance. 

For the implementation of the Directive, the document Application Directive provides installation responsibility guidance  .

The application of the Installation Responsibility Directive has been developed into standard procedures with which we can set up business operations.

The second step is to determine what it's about. These are our installations.

Step 2: What is it all about?

It is about our installations, with which we achieve our business goals. This is specific to each company. What does the installation consist of? That's different. However, we can assume a subdivision based on the procedure to determine. If we do that, manageability based on acceptance criteria becomes transparent.

Step 3: What is the status?

If we start with the installation responsibility process, we first want to know the status of the installations. We do this on the basis of the determination and on the basis of the procedures inspection and risk analysis.

Inspect to examine whether all criteria of conformity are met with analysis of structural and incidental deficiencies. We can plan improvement actions on this.

Risk analysis to investigate whether the right measures can be taken in the event of calamities. This mainly applies to essential installation parts.

Step 4: Provision of information

Without the right information, it remains searching and guessing. Information must be tailored to the user. Correct information is essential and must comply with legal and user conditions. During the design process, we generate information for the construction; During construction, we provide information as proof of conformity and with the installation transfer fom commissioning to operation, information is twofold. One as documented proof of conformity (i.e. hands off) and two information for management and maintenance. The  information management  procedure prescribes the requirements that information must meet.

Step 5: What are we going to arrange?

Especially when it comes to extensive and complex installations, all kinds of activities take place outside normal use.

For example, malfunctions can occur, old parts are replaced, modifications take place and installation is extended. Fixing a malfunction by changing something is out of the question, a modification must be substantiated to guarantee that the installation still remains safe and extensions basically go through the process of design and construction.

Various procedures are prescribed to ensure that compliance continues.

Step 6: How are we going to arrange it?

Now it comes down to the organization. Installation responsibility can be regarded as relationship management.

During the design, the installation responsible wants to know what can be expected with commissioning

During construction and installation, the installation responsible requires documented evidence of conformity

During operation and maintenance the installation responsible needs to know who is working in the installations and what they are doing.

Here we make a distinction between our own employees and external employees. Our own employees are employees who are part of their own electrical business operations. External employees are employees who are part of other departments or employees of third parties within the organization. Here, in turn, it is about how work is outsourced. Targeted competence is of paramount importance. One wrong action can damage the integrity of any installation. Please note that the installation manager primarily determines how work is carried out and not necessarily what is done.

Step 7: Entering installation responsibility

Steps 1 to 6 are philosophy and with insight into business operations can be carried out well. But now it comes down to dominance and persuasion. In practice, we do not start with a new ideal situation. We need to transform from routine from "that's how we've always done it" to "let's strive for optimal manageability". Every employee has chosen a profession and wants to put his or her energy into it. With clear rules and objectives with freedom of action, business operations become a pleasure. Uncontrollability causes stress; manageability gives positive energy.

Support not only of the direct employees is important but also of the indirect employees. But especially from the supervisor and the managing director.

Step 8: How will we monitor compliance?

Every step in the process towards compliance requires assurance. This requires continuous measuring and acting. It is part of the Plan-Do-Check-Act circle. To this end, it is important to set up a platform of compliance in which all key figures, stakeholders and stakeholders are represented.