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There are several scenarios to shape installation responsibility. Depending on the expertise within the company itself, the choice to appoint an installation manager within its own ranks is recommended. The big advantage is the knowledge of our own installations and the involvement in our own business operations.

Another scenario is the appointment of an external installation manager or the outsourcing of installation responsibility.

Appointing an external installation manager

Appointing an external installation responsible is an option that is often used if, for example, no one in the organization can or wants to take responsibility for safety. Outsourcing is so easy.

However, to what extent can an external person bear the responsibility? If something happens, it is quickly stated that liability is excluded or the hired person simply disappears from the scene. Beware of feigned installation responsibility, it is often optical compliance. Installation responsibility is not the performance of certain actions, that is up to the work manager. The installation manager determines the how, not the what.

Delegating installation responsibility does not relieve the managing director of responsibility, it only takes on another dimension. Delegation should be based on mutual trust; trust in the designated person that they want and can and vice versa on unconditional support. After all, the installation responsibleacts on behalf of the driver, regardless of the echelons that may be in between.

Outsourcing installation responsibility

Outsourcing of installation responsibility is possible taking into account the relationship with or on behalf of the director of the organization. Here, the installation manager is the authority that determines how business operations are shaped with regard to compliance. The role then becomes the rules on how supervision is worked in the implementation.

It can be compared to the introduction of a management structure (quality system / safety system) in which, after the introduction of the system, the degree of compliance is periodically audited according to the guidelines.

Other forms are possible according to the vision of the manager. However, the responsibility of the person with regard to electrical safety must be taken into account.

The profile of the installation responsible.

In order to carry out the tasks, the installation manager must have a clear set of tasks to fully cover the responsibility for compliance.

Each task requires privileges to perform the task from which responsibilities then flow. This range of tasks covers the entire life cycle of an installation, because the basis for compliance is laid during the design, construction and delivery. If the start is good, it is about maintaining compliance.

This requires demonstrability with traceability and traceability.

In this link,  the profile of the installation responsible with the required competencies is displayed.

The set-up and the design requires support.

An organization doesn't just change. What is the reason that a company starts with installation responsibility? Because you have to? That's the worst counselor.

Based on manageability, a company wants optimal availability, reliability and safety. This is what installation responsibility is all about.

This cannot be arranged overnight, regardless of whether the company does it itself or wants to outsource it. It requires a clear step-by-step plan based on SMART goals.

The starting point must at all times be efficiency and effectiveness. If not, every system will fail.