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Transfer of Installation Responsibility

In the Civil Code is stated that the owner of an installation which does not meet the requirements which may be imposed on it in the given circumstances, and thereby constitutes a danger to persons and property, shall be liable if such danger materialises.

At the same time is the producer liable for the damage caused by a defect in his product; A product is defective if it does not provide the safety that can be expected from it, taking into account all circumstances.

In the Working Conditions Legislation the employer shall ensure the safety and health of workers in all aspects related to work and to this end shall pursue a policy aimed at the best possible working conditions.

Transfer of installation responsibility means that the designated person or party obtains from the owner or possessor of the installation, via a bilateral declaration, that executing  power which the owner of possessor could exercise over the installation.    

Transfer of installation responsibility implicates the electrical conformity of installations upon commissioning and the care of installation integrity during operation and maintenance. 

Control of conformity and integrity is managed by following the rules of compliance as laid down in the Directive Electrical Safety Management, the Application Directive Electrical Safety Management and the relevant Procedures. 

For the transfer of installation resonsibility NRBV and Quercus Technical Services B.V. have signed a Master Agreement for delegated electrical installation responsibility. 

Quercus Technical Services B.V. as an independent and impartial party, controles compliance in accordance with the seven elements of compliance.