Spring naar de hoofdinhoud


Transfer of Installation Responsibility

For the transfer of electrical installation responsibility should be a two-sided declaration.
For the transfer, there are the following scenarios:
  1. Internal transfer
    In the internal transfer of installation responsibility, an installation manager is appointed from within the own organization. For the internal transfer, a letter of designation is sufficient.  This must be signed by or on behalf of the driver and the intended installation manager. If the agreement is signed on behalf of the statutory director, the mandate for the implementation of the installation responsibility must be traceability to the statutory director. The designation letter must clearly define the conditions and scope.
    Model designation letter for appointment of an installation manager 

  2. External transfer
    In the case of the external transfer of installation responsibility, responsibility is transferred to an external party. This transfer is subject to a delegated installation responsibility agreement. This Agreement shall be signed by the Statutory Director of the Subcontracting Party and the Statutory Director of the Contracting Party. The subcontracting party company appoints a representative on behalf of the statutory director to decision-making power to execute the agreement; The contracting party shall appoint an installation manager by or on behalf of the Statutory Director to implement the contract.
    The scope and conditions must be clearly defined in the agreement. 

  3. Model agreement for assumption of installation responsibility
    Hiring an installation managerWhen hiring an installation manager, the client must convince himself of the qualification of the person concerned. This person then falls under full regime of the hiring party. The conditions under point 1 apply.  
    Model designation letter for appointment of an installation manager when hiring