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Introduction to the Nike Designation Policy

Nike is committed to health and safety of all employees, protection of the environment and quality of our facilities. This is expressed in our Nike Code of Conduct and Code of Leadership Standards.

This “Electrical Safety Management System” is the translation and implementation of this Nike Code of Conduct and Code of Leadership Standards

For electrical installations counts that the responsibility for the safety of an installation must resort under one person; the installation responsible. This obligation is laid down in legislation and further defined in electrical standards NEN-EN 50110 and NEN 3140 for low voltage installations and NEN 3840 for High Voltage Installations.

The Installation Responsible has, on the basis of legislation, the Nike Code of Conduct and Code of Leadership Standards and the applicable standards, made a translating and implementation strategy for the electrical installations.

A safe and functional electrical operation starts with the design, construction, installation and commissioning. The Installation Responsible accepts in fact the installation being fit for operation and maintenance. This starting point must result in installation integrity.

It is the task of the Installation Responsible to maintain this integrity and guard all changes in the installation to prove again this integrity.

This only can be achieved by a dedicated management system and competent personnel.

This Electrical Safety Management System is meant to support this philosophy.

It is the Installation Responsible who state how work on electrical installations has to be executed with all the necessary precautions and means in order to prevent any risks.

It is any superior free ,within his or her jurisdiction, to tell what needs to be done in the electrical installation to keep the functionality and availability of the facilities.

It is only the task, authority and responsibility of the Installation Responsible to decide how electrical work has to be executed and under which conditions. For this “how” all people performing electrical work a designation in writing is applicable.

Interpretation of legislation, the policy, the standards is the task of the Installation Responsible!

Discussions about this interpretation are counterproductive and even a risk for a safe and functional operation. Questions about this interpretation are to be answered by the Installation Responsible only.

The functioning of the system and the interpretation are for the Electrical Safety Board where all focal points involved in electrical safety have seat.

In order to ensure that all legal aspects have been covered and the standards have been interpret correctly this Electrical Safety Management System has been assessed by a legal technical expert.

This declaration is part of this document.

We expect that this Electrical Safety Management System contributes to the safety and success of our day to day business.

Paul Koop

Hilversum, June 1, 2023