Spring naar de hoofdinhoud


Process of transfer Installation Responsibility

After the introduction of the scope of installation responsibility, a letter of intent is drawn up in which parties define the scope of installation responsibility services. This description of the scope is very important while this scope determines the course of the further process.
The figure below shows us the role of the installation manager in agreeing to transfer installation responsibility.

In most cases, Quercus initially has to deal with the asset manager who is responsible for the functioning and safety of all assets.

The transfer process includes the following steps:
  • Letter of intent
    Client's focal point and the Quercus's installation manager sign a letter of intent on how to proceed.
    In a letter of intent, the Client and Quercus agree on the following:
    • Compliance with the Directive
    • Agreement on scope
    • The costing
    • The process
    • The planning
  • Contract
    With the signing of the master agreement and the sub-master agreement, the customer has designated a focal point and Quercus a delegated installation manager.
    Formally, the following contracts will be drawn up and signed:
    • Master agreement
    • Sub-master agreement
    • Contractor's agreement
  • Initiating the Security Council
    Information and deliberation on the integrity and safety of installations takes place in a safety council, so that the personnel concerned are given a common focus.
    The following focal points will attend the meetings:
    • The client's asset manager
    • The point of contact for the customer
    • All contractors involved in electrical safety
    • The responsible installation of Quercus
    • Invitees on an ad hoc basis
  • Malfunction in the installation
    The failure of the electrical installation is essential to decide on the acceptance criteria.
    Points of attention are:
    • Electrical infrastructure
    • Electrical users
    • Service contracts
    • Acceptance criteria
  • Status of electrical conformity
    The status of electrical conformity can be derived from the status and coherence of the asset itself, management, personnel and information.
    These are:
    • The installation status
    • The management system
    • The competence of the staff
    • Information management
  • Compliance measures
    Only when the status of electrical conformity in relation to the coherence of installation, management, competence and information status is known, compliance measures can be taken.
    These are:
    • Corrective measures
    • Planning of actions
    • Budgeting
    • Designations
    • Education
  • Supervision
    It is important to ensure every step towards compliance.
    Supervision consists of the following actions of the installation manager:
    • Inspections
    • Reviews
    • Examine
    • Support
    • Audits
    • Education