Spring naar de hoofdinhoud


What is installation responsibility?

A logical approach

An electrical installation does not stand alone. It is part of an overall transformation process with which we want to achieve our goals. For safe electrical operations, it is stipulated that these must fall under the responsibility of an installation responsible. Security without functionality will not work, nor will functionality without security. Yet security has another dimension as functionality. After all, only safety and care for the environment is of the utmost importance for legislation, while for business functionality with manageability is paramount. Manageability also involves safety. We don't want to take any risks. Risks include anything that could jeopardize our business goals. It is of course also a moral obligation to operate a safe installation in the context of responsible corporate social responsibility.

With installation responsibility, we look for manageability at minimal effort and cost. This is the assignment of each director on behalf of the shareholder(s).

The managing director transfers the control of installations to the maintenance manager with the task of ensuring functionality (reliability and availability) and in turn appoints an installation responsible for the electrical installations. How this is arranged depends on the circumstances and the vision of the managing director.

Let us therefore be careful not to leave the electrical policy to the maintenance manager without interference and support from the managing director.

The installation manager thus has the role to fulfil of compliance. Compliance with legislation, standards, regulations and business goals. This makes the installation responsible also the compliance manager and works together with everyone who designs, installs, maintains and operates the electrical installation.

Compliance is therefore dependent on the commissioning of new installations, operation and maintenance with all adjustments that take place during the use of the installations.

This allows us to distinguish compliance for installations in two elements, namely installation conformity and installation integrity. Installation conformity for the commissioning of installations and installation parts that they meet the requirements for which documented evidence applies and installation integrity for the maintenance of installation conformity.

Installation responsibility implies liability if things go wrong. Insight into all aspects of electrical business operations is therefore essential to be able to steer compliance.

By definition, the installation responsible does not determine what happens but how it happens.